Based on the information contained in the House of Reps transcript dated Monday 18 June, 2018, On average, persons born in India are the largest group applying for Australian citizenship. United Kingdom dropping into second place overall as a source nation for Australia’s citizens.
2017-18 | India | 25,408 |
| United Kingdom | 13,778 |
| China, Peoples Republic of | 8,719 |
| Philippines | 8,169 |
| Australia | 6,833 |
| Sri Lanka | 4,315 |
| Vietnam | 3,883 |
| Pakistan | 3,872 |
| Iraq | 3,465 |
| South Africa | 3,432 |
| Other countries | 59,362 |
2017-18 (to 28 Feb. 2018) Total |
| 141,236 |
Financial year | Country of birth | No. lodged |
2012-13 | United Kingdom | 25,168 |
| India | 24,392 |
| Philippines | 11,451 |
| South Africa | 10,339 |
| China, Peoples Republic of | 10,126 |
| Iraq | 4,787 |
| New Zealand | 4,388 |
| Vietnam | 3,818 |
| Sri Lanka | 3,767 |
| Other countries | 67,255 |
2012-13 Total |
| 168,806 |
Note: Clients whose country of birth is reported as “Australia” are mainly those who did not become Australian citizens at birth, due to being born in Australia on or after 20 August 1986 without a parent who was an Australian citizen or permanent resident.
This information provided by the Department of Home Affairs was extracted from Departmental systems. As data has been drawn from a dynamic system environment, the information was correct at the time of publication and figures may differ slightly from previous or future reporting.