Tasmania (TAS) State Sponsored Migration Visa Nominated and Regional Australia

Tasmania (TAS) State Sponsored Migration Visa 190 Skilled Nominated (Permanent) and 489   Skilled Regional (Provisional) Visas provides a great way to immigrate to Tasmania, Australia. This article does not deal with Investor visas but only deal with General Skills pointed tested immigration visas. The Options available to you include permanent and temporary Visa options. Main Visa subclasses are:

  1. Visa 190 - Skilled - Nominated (Permanent)

  2. Visa 489 - Skilled — Regional (Provisional)

Each state and territory government have their own processes for nomination in addition to the criterion under the Migration Act, the process is complicated and if you do not approach it the correct way the first time, the consequences may be devastating and include possible entry/visa bars to Australia. We recommend that you book an appointment for an assessment.

New Occupations Added

Tasmania state government nomination for subclass 489/190 visas is free. In addition, the government confirmed there will be no nomination ceilings applicable to state nominations received from 1 July 2018 and that students with no employment offers will be able to access the Tasmanian Skilled Occupations lists which had further occupations added on 6 August 2018 including:

131112            Sales and Marketing Manager

252712            Speech Pathologist

261111            ICT business Analyst

Successful applicants who receive a nomination from Tasmanian government will receive an additional 10 points for applying for a subclass 489 visa or five points when making an application for a subclass 190 visa.  The usual processing time for Tasmanian government to issue a nomination is two to eight weeks.

Subclass 190 - Skilled Nominated Visa

Thera are three Categories;

Category 1 – Tasmanian Graduate (2 years minimum study in Tasmania)

Category 2 – Working in Tasmania

Category 3 – Overseas applicant (job offer)

If you have not secured employment in Tasmania, you may still be eligible to apply for the Subclass 489 – Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa

Subclass 489 - Skilled Regional (Provisional) Visa

There are three Categories;

Category 1 – Tasmanian graduate

Category 2 – Working in Tasmania

Category 3A – Overseas applicant (TSOL)

Category 3B – Overseas applicant (Job offer)

Category 4 – Family in Tasmania

Category 5 – Small Business Owner

If you are applying under Category 2 – Working in Tasmania for the subclass 489 visa, and your employment is for a position at ANZSCO skill level 4 or below, there are additional documents that you would need to submit together with your application. Your employer would need to provide the proof of domestic recruitment efforts. The following need to be included together with your application:

  • evidence that your employer has made a genuine effort to recruit locals (Australian citizens/permanent residents) but were unsuccessful. Please include copies of the advertisements your employer has posted in on-line sources, University of Tasmania Career hub, Tasmanian vocational institutions, Jobactive, local newspapers and from social media
  • a selection report including information on applications received and why no local applicants were suitable for the position as well as details and expenses of any advertising the employer conducted.

There is no prescribed format for this report, however it is important that all of the points above are covered. If this evidence does not accompany your nomination application or is insufficient, it will be refused.

Source: www.migration.tas.gov.au